Friday, March 11, 2011

My First Kettlebell Workout

So, I did my first kettlebell workout this morning. "How'd it go?" you ask? Well, I believe a picture might explain it better than I could...

Yep, that pretty much summed it up. It turns out the 16kg bell may have been a bit too aggressive right out of the gates.

The first minute of swings went rather well. Seemed a bit long, but I made it. One minute of rest, followed by my second minute of swings. My stupid pinky fingers just don't fit around the handle, so I either leave them on the inside where they get squished or stick them on the outside where the start getting crampy. Another rest minute, and for the third minute, the swings are getting slower and farther apart. Ended up only doing half of minute four before wrapping that one up.

Turkish get-ups. I wasn't far off when I said I'd be drooling on the floor for three minutes. Did it once on the right side, once on the left, right side again, then that was it.

Goblet squats. Instead of 3 sets of 20 reps, I did one set of 7 reps, 1 set of 5 reps, and one set of immobile fetal position.

So, in order to avoid this morning's unpleasant side-effects, I need to scale back the weight a bit before I try that again. In the meantime, I'll focus on some of my weaker areas so this won't be such a traumatic event for my system.


Anonymous said...

whatever kettle-cooking nightmare you commited ... why? that all sounded harsh and ouchy!

Unknown said...

It felt good after the initial side effects wore off (turns out I had oxygen deprivation)... "Dont forget to breathe, Danielsan"

I can't wait for my new kettlebell to come in so I can start again :)